Architectural Terms & Definitions | Architectural Glossary
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Architecture Terms & Definitions

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When talking to an architect or builder, it can be helpful to know basic terminology and architectural vocabulary you may encounter. We’ve compiled a list of important architectural terms.

Architecture: The art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.

Balconet: A false balcony or railing at the outer plane of a window.

Balustrade: A railing composition composed of upper and lower rails, balusters, and pedestals. Materials used can range from stone to brick, wood, and sheet metal.

Belt course: Also known as a stringcourse. A projecting horizontal molding separating parts of a wall surface in a facade.


Brackets: Applied ornamental elements often used at a cornice or to flank windows and doors.

Brick header: A brick oriented with the smaller end exposed on the face of the wall and smaller dimension vertical; typically placed over window and door openings.

Canopy: A projecting roof structure that shelters an entrance.

Casement: A single window sash hinged on one side that swings open.

Chamfer: A 45-degree bevel cut at an outside corner of a building element, often seen in wood, stone, or brick.

Chimney pot: A decorative terra cotta chimney extension usually placed above a brick or stone chimney.

Circulation: Used to describe the flow of people throughout a home or building.

Clapboard: One of a series of boards used for siding. It is usually installed horizontally, and the board is most often tapered in cross-sections.

Corinthian: The most ornate and recent of the Greek classical order. The capital’s design is heavily ornamented.

Cornice: The projecting moldings that form the top band of an entablature or wall.

Cresting: A repetitive metal ornament installed at a roof ridge or parapet.

Cupola: A small structure projecting above a roof that provides ventilation and can serve as a “look-out.”

Dependency: A subsidiary building connected to the main building, often one of a symmetrical grouping.

Doric: The Doric order, the earliest type of classical Greek architecture, has a simple yet powerful capital design.

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Dormer: A small structure that projects from a sloping roof, with a window in the facade face.

Double-hung window: A window with top and bottom sashes that slide past each other vertically.

Eaves: The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.

Entablature: The horizontal band of elements above the column capitals in classical architecture.

Facade: The exterior faces of a building, often used to refer to the wall in which the building entry is located.

Frieze: The flat, middle portion of an entablature (sometimes decorated).

Gable: The wall that encloses the end of a gable roof; triangular gable end below a roof overhand.

Gambrel: A roof shape characterized by a pair of shallow pitch slopes above a steeply pitched slope on each side of a center ridge.

Half-timbered building: A building constructed with timber frame filled with plaster or brick.

Hip roof: A roof that slopes inward from all four exterior walls.

Ionic: TheIonic order from the Greek classical styles distinctive by the volutes (spiral scroll-like ornaments) used in the capital’s design.

Mansard: A two-pitched roof with a steep lower slope that typically rises to a more gently sloped upper portion. The space formed by the mansard roof allows for additional living space.

Motif: A theme or predominant feature of a design.

Neo-colonial: Residences built after 1955 with allusions of the colonial revival architectural style.

Ogee cap: A molding with an S-shaped cross-section used on top of a baseboard or other structure.

Oriel: A bay window cantilevered out from a facade that starts above the ground level.

Palladian: Neo-classical architecture in the style modeled after the Italian architect Andrea Palladio aka Andrea di Pietro Della Gondola.

Parapet: The portion of wall that projects above the adjacent roof.

Pediment: The triangular gable end of a classical building, or the same form used elsewhere in the building.

Pier: A square or rectangular masonry or wood pier that supports a building and carries the weight of it down to the ground.

Post and beam construction: A simple building framing system that uses a series of vertical posts and horizontal beams.

Quoin: A large rectangular block of stone or brick (sometimes wood) used to accentuate an outside corner of a building, typically in a toothed form with alternate quoins projecting and receding from the corner.

Rosette: A bas-relief ornament (sometimes painted) in the form of a stylized flower.

Rough-hewn: Lumber left exposed in construction that looks hand-cut and is heavily textured.

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Sash: The part of a window frame that holds the glazing, usually moveable or fixed.

Shed roof: A roof with a single slope and rafters spanning from one wall to the other.

Sidelights: Narrow windows flanking an entry door.

Spandrel panel: The panel formed by the bottom of a window and the head of a lower window.

Spire: A cone-shaped roof element with a steep point.

Terra cotta: Fired ceramic clay used in architectural wall elements or ornaments.

Transom: A small window placed above a door or window.

Turret: A small tower at the corner of a building.

Veneer: A thin decorative finish typically made of brick, stone, or stucco.

Verge board: Decorative boarding (also called bargeboard) along a projecting roof eave. It is often carved or scrolled and is highly ornamental.

Vitrolite: Panels formed of clear glass with color glass laminated to one side and used as a wall veneer.

Window hood: A projecting shelf-like decorative element over a window.

X bracing: A pair of diagonal braces or struts from corner to corner forming an “X.”

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Don’t see the term you were looking for in the list above? Contact our architects in Maryland today to learn more about home construction terms and definitions!

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