Basement Remodel in Washington, DC | May d5R Featured Projec
living room with lit fireplace

A Wentworth Basement Transformation Featured in d5R’s (formerly) Ugly Ceilings Contest!

One of our favorite basement transformations is featured in May’s daily5Remodel May (formerly) Ugly Ceilings contest! Although the former ceiling in this townhouse basement didn’t look as beautiful as it could have before the renovation, the new ceiling is one of the basement’s most exciting design features. View additional photos of this Washington, DC basement remodel in Woodley Park in our online portfolio.

If you’re interested in a basement remodeling project in the Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia area, call Wentworth today and transform your ordinary room into a customized space that is both beautiful and fully functional!

“ I just wanted to tell you how happy we are with the work you designed and oversaw...We are so proud to show the kitchen and family room to friends and relatives, and love their reactions (gasps of awe and jealousy). Mike and Enio were amazing, working so hard -- every single day, beginning at 7am -- and paying such close attention to details I never would have noticed. They clearly treated this job as their "baby," not wanting to cut corners even if they could get away with it...They also were great about cleaning up; I am positive the garage is cleaner now than before this job started! ”

A.C., Bethesda, MD