Capitol Hill Restoration Society House Expo in 2017 | Photos
living room with lit fireplace

Capitol Hill Restoration Society 2017 House Expo

Wentworth was pleased to be asked by the Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS) to be an exhibitor in their 2017 House Expo event. Wentworth was among 30 exhibitors carefully selected by the CHRS for our relevance to homeowners in the Capitol Hill historic district.

Event Details

Time and place: Sunday, October 22, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Eastern Market

Experts showed homeowners ways to improve, repair and enjoy their home. Categories included:

  • Architects
  • Interior designers
  • Building supplies
  • Landscaping
  • Energy conservation
  • And more

Learn more about the event.

Wentworth is always thrilled about getting involved in the community and helping local homeowners!

View photos from the expo:


CHRS 2017 House Expo

2017 House Expo

“ I wanted to follow up with you about how our home ended up after taking your advice. We love it and could not be more pleased with the color selection based on your advice. ”

Seth K., Ask the Architect