Kitchen Transformation in MD, VA & DC | d5r Contest Winner
living room with lit fireplace

Honor Roll: Wentworth Wins February d5R Contest “Kitchens Transformed”

Wentworth was honored to win the February d5R Kitchens: Transformed Competition with a stunning Chevy Chase, Maryland kitchen remodel. Despite the truly outstanding competition, Wentworth pulled ahead of the pack to snag the $250 gift from National Lumber (you can view the other transformative kitchen renovations here).


Before the Kitchen Transformation


After the Kitchen Transformation

Thanks, d5R and National Lumber!

Find out more information on our winning Chevy Chase, MD kitchen remodel project!

“ Hi Bruce,
All is well here and getting better every day. You and your team have been fantastic, and never once have I questioned myself as to whether I was doing the right thing. Everything is looking great and I hope that when we are finished that it meets or exceeds our expectations. Thank for your continued interest and efforts in making this project something about which we all, you, your team and me, can be proud. ”

Gail, Washington, DC