DC Galley Kitchen Renovation | DC Kitchen Remodeler
living room with lit fireplace

Galley Kitchen Renovation in DC at Watergate Apartment Complex

From Online Remodeling Book Chapter 15, “Revitalizing a Watergate Kitchen”

The Watergate apartment and office complex on the Potomac is well known for many reasons—its distinctive architecture, upscale apartments, and, of course, the political scandal where its name originated. It is not, however, particularly famous for its apartment kitchens.

updated kitchen by Wentworth with white cabinets and tan and black countertops

During the 1960s and early 1970s, when the Watergate was constructed, residential kitchens were seen in a different light than they are today. A kitchen was not expected to be a publicly visible space in any home, particularly the apartment of a busy professional. Instead, kitchens were utilitarian spaces tucked away out of sight—cramped, backstage areas used to service the more private parts of the home.

One good client of mine asked me to redo two different Watergate kitchens as she moved from apartment to apartment within the complex. She likes the big rooms of the apartments, the long balconies, and the convenience and security of life at the Watergate. As for the kitchens, she says cheerfully, “They (the builders) did the basics. I make them better.”

Washington, DC Galley Kitchen Project Details

The need for a kitchen remodel was self-evident. My client’s good-quality furniture and other possessions meshed well with the generous, attractive living spaces of the apartment to create an elegant, comfortable setting. Next to those rooms, the cramped, worn-out kitchen looked like it was from a different building.

The kitchen was laid out in a galley arrangement, a plan that remains common in small apartments, but was not really necessary here. It was a long, narrow rectangle lined with cabinets, counters, and appliances on each side, with limited floor space and nowhere to sit down.

To find out how the Wentworth team completed the kitchen remodel, download our eBook!

“ Thank you so much for the very thoughtful gift and card you sent to welcome [our son] home. He has been following the baseball standings with great interest, and is looking forward to many messy meals with his Red Sox bib and bottle. And whether he realizes it or not, his meal times have been made much more pleasant - and his parents are much happier - because of the fabulous new kitchen you designed and built for us. It was really kind of you to think of us at this special time in our lives. ”

Amelia & Mike M.