Happy Valentine's Day from Wentworth
living room with lit fireplace

Happy Valentine’s Day

We’ve all heard the oft-repeated phrase that “home is where the heart is.” Certainly that’s true, for a space doesn’t mean much unless there are people around to share it with. After all, a home is much more than walls and floors and windows. A home is a place to make memories and leave your own personal touch. A home is a place you might have fallen head over heels for despite its creaky staircase or strange layout. A home is the kind of place you know when you see it, which come to think of it, is a lot like true love.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Wentworth Team.

“ The wood workmanship is excellent - the wood floors also wonderful - the tile work was great! Wentworth offered reassurance that the structural integrity of the roof would be fine and were very thorough and careful about any remodeling concerns! ”

Margaret Taylor & Angus Worthing, Washington, DC